A minigame level leaderboard

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by olo_YT, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hey guys,

    I think it would be super awesome if MCC could implement a minigame-level leaderboard on the forums, similar to the leaderboard for voting and skywars, and/or one that is accessible in game via a command e.g.
    /leveltop. Many player including myself would love to see who has the highest minigame level on the server, and where we fall in as well.

    Would you like to see this implemented?

    - olo YT
    Lewklo, reallylazy and Bob50 like this.
  2. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    of course people would love this being added I made a post about this like 4 months ago or something. Mc central used to have a level leaderboard and for some reason it got removed back in 2014 if i'm certain. as of me being almost level 9k would actually be pretty nice to have the level leaderboard come back so that you can at least gain levels for something once you max out perks and would be fun to see who is above you. If they added the leaderboard like this back have a monthly lb which shows who has gained the most levels that month but either way +1 on this
    olo_YT and reallylazy like this.
  3. Reeme

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Hey olo_YT,

    I think this is a great idea, I am always curious to see who has the highest level. Maybe they can have separate ones for rookies and donators and then overall in the server. I do remember a leaderboard in MCC and it would be cool if they brought it back. I like your idea and overall I would give it a +1.

    Hope to see you in-game <3.
    olo_YT, Lewklo and reallylazy like this.
  4. reallylazy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely think this should be implemented, It would be nice to know who the top players are or who's above you or even just where you sit on the leaderboard. I've seen multiple people on MCC with such high levels (above 3k) that I have not even seen before, and so adding a leaderboard would definitely be neat so you can actually see all of them instead. As for myself, I'm currently above 1k levels so it'd be nice to see the exact number of people that are above me at the moment. Anyways, a huge +1 from me.
  5. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is a great idea! I'd love to find out who holds the highest level and I'm interested in finding out at what place I sit at. It would add a little more competition between the players who hold the highest levels and possibly encourage some to get on the top of it. Overall I think it would be a nice addition. I do slightly remember when this was a thing - although now theres multiple players with much much higher levels. I really hope this is implemented again! +1
    olo_YT likes this.

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