Add an unmute notification

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by olo_YT, Jul 3, 2020.


Should an unmuted notification be added?

  1. Yep

  2. Nup

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  1. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hey guys,

    This is pretty self explanatory, but I think it would be a nice addition to the server to send you a notification, similar to the one you receive upon getting muted, saying that you are unmuted. This would apply whether your mute has expired or your punishment has been reduced via appeal.

    While this isnt 100% necessary, I know many players would enjoy this as a feature and find it helpful as people are often pretty excited for there unmute, this would be pretty satisfying.

    It would also make the server look cooler.

    - olo YT
    reallylazy and iiSean like this.
  2. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm gonna be honest, I don't think would be a bad idea but again, in a way, it's kinda useless since you can just type in chat to see if you've been unmuted.
    I get the idea, maybe have a little ding and show something on your screen saying "You've been unmuted!" or something but there isn't really a good excuse for it since some people might be afking and not know or staff could unmute while they're offline/at a later time.

    Though, the idea is cute and if this were to be added, I wouldn't mind it at all since there isn't any downfalls for it being added.
    Overall, neutral. Great suggestion though!

    - Fox
    reallylazy and forgranted like this.
  3. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To be fair, I quite like this idea.
    Not saying it should be a huge message you get across your screen whilst getting warned, but you should get a message in chat as if you were getting muted.
    Although it may be a really cool idea, as stated above, it seems a little unnecessary for the time being. Though regardless, I would really like to see this added soon or later!

    Love the idea, have a good day!
  4. reallylazy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm pretty neutral on this one as well, yes it's actually very helpful as a message on the screen or in the chatbox saying "your punishment has expired" would prove to be beneficial for the punished player. However... I don't really think it's necessary at all right now, it takes little to no effort to just type in the chatbox to see if you've been unmuted (like AnimatedFox mentioned) and it also takes almost no effort to check the punishment search on the forums which will tell you exactly how long until your punishment ends. I really think it's a good idea don't get me wrong but not too many players really have a problem with this, wouldn't mind this at all in the future though.
    Invader and olo_YT like this.
  5. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is a pretty good suggestion I wouldn't mind if this was added. When I used to get muted I always wished it told you somehow that you were unmuted it would just make it more satisfying as what you were saying. I guess most people would be neutral on this idea as it doesn't really add anything that important. But I would definitely be +1 on this.
  6. gingerbread2005

    Jun 23, 2020
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    That actually sounds like a really good idea
    I know like others have said it isn't entirely necessary, however, I think it might be useful still. Players who are less aware of how to check their punishment length or have forgot it might have no idea when they are unmuted. For that reason I think this might be a very good idea, and if it is a long mute maybe everyday they log on they get a reminder of how many days are left?
    olo_YT likes this.
  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    As a staff member I commonly wonder how long after unmuting a player they find out they've been unmuted. It is for this reason I feel as if this could be a useful addition. Considering the alternate ways to check are quite simple, such as messaging yourself on a sub-server or typing a message in game, I can't see this being added any time soon, as there are many more important things to be added, however I'm sure it will be considered.
    olo_YT and forgranted like this.
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