Cheater Problem

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by rxrev, Jul 22, 2019.

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  1. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Because I have seen no other threads about this issue I take it as my responsibility to act on it I feel as if this server won't be rising up to become a bigger and better server something that has been bothering me is the fact that I get 4 hackers in almost every single skywars game I think your mods are not doing a good job of dealing with these hackers because I felt this way I have been recording all of my games not only on skywars but on arena pvp there is a overwhelming amount of closet cheaters and obv cheaters Im at the point of not wanting to play this server anymore because of its cheater problem for new players joining the server they have no chance killing these hackers which will cause them to go to Hypixel or other servers with good anti cheat

    Here are some ways I think you could fix this
    I looked at your Mods and Helper List but I feel
    That a lot of these Mods and Helpers are no
    Longer active on McCentral I feel strongly
    that you should demote some of the inactive
    People and promote people that are active
    very often such as myself and are willing to catch hackers
    by going into random games being nicked and
    ip banning these people anyways thanks for your
    time hope you will put some of these ideas into your

    Sincerely rxrev
    AyYoPierre likes this.
  2. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1.) The server just launched a new forums website so you being able to determine if a staff member is active or not isn't quite possible. As well as if you haven't seen the player in-game. Forums aren't the most required thing for a lot of staff members and it is especially not the most important.
    2.) There is always going to be cheaters wherever you go. MCCentral may have an issue with hackers but it isn't the server's fault or the anti-cheats. More times than not the anti-cheat does successfully kick players which prevents my death. I know there is a lot of hackers in the midst of the sub-servers but the only thing I can recommend doing is recording and reporting here on the community forum.
    3.) Ip Banning can prevent many cheaters from coming on alternate accounts but there is something people use which is a VPN. MCCentral blocks incoming VPN(s) on their server but obviously, they can't block all and hundreds of hacked accounts join the server via VPN every day.

    Helpers are required of 150 minutes inside of minigames every single month. This is so that they may moderate chat while having fun in a minigame. Helpers are chat-moderators and don't have access to /ban to prevent hackers from remaining on the server. Moderators have a slightly higher time requirement inside of minigames and I see staff on minigames quite often as I am a huge minigames player.
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Rarev!

    I agree that there is a huge problem in MiniGames. The solution, though, isn't going to help. We can't have random people that no one knows getting staff; people have to meet the requirements, apply, and be suited to become a staff member, otherwise situations like abuse or unfamiliarity with the rules can occur. We need the best candidates, which is why you don't see everyone who applies getting staff.
    Not all staff only play Skywars and ArenaPvP. We play across the network. I realize it's our job to spectate hackers, but you won't find a staff member only playing Skywars all day. We have to be active everywhere else as well, and we do have minutes to finish on minigames, which most of us spend doing on Skywars to help with hackers. Right now the best thing to do, which you are doing, is to report hackers and let us deal with them until a better anti-cheat is placed, but even then it'll take some time. Servers will always have hackers, and we're doing our best to deal with them right now as volunteering staff members.
    We do IPban, but only if the player has 2 bans under their IP or 3 accounts muted under their IP. Not all players are blatant hackers that come back, and some want to play after learning from their mistakes. If we IPbanned after 1 account being banned, a lot of our playerbase would be gone, and it wouldn't be fair to the players that actually learn from their mistakes and want to come back.
    You can leave if you'd like as no one is forcing you to play, but I just want to let you know that we as staff do try to help with hackers and create the best experience for you guys (players). We can't be everywhere at once, but we always try to help with reports, in support, etc. You still reporting players does help make a difference, and until a permanent solution is figured out by the Owners, for now you'll have to deal with a few hacker run-ins sadly. I hope this helped with some insight on your thread.
    Invader and Kane like this.
  4. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I find this quite funny because whenever I bring this problem up I get muted and completely shut down, while when other people do it, they get real mature responses from staff.
  5. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    If you believe you get an unfairly treatment by staff members I suggest you contact one of the Administrators about this matter. Posting and complaining about it on the forums will not change anything. I understand your frustration, but if you don't want to talk about your problem to people that can try to help you resolve it then there's not much we can do for you. Do keep in mind that we are unable to help you out without having any sufficient evidence, if you do I'd happily look into it with you.
  6. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand that you want to be nice and let people have second chances but Hypixel does not allow any second chances unless you where unfairly banned this could be a reason why you cheater problem is the biggest I have ever seen
  7. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's impossible to catch every single hacker and even the biggest MC servers can't catch 100% of the rulebreakers on their server. MCC is the same, the staff try their best to find the hackers, but they can't find every hacker that enters the server. There can definitely be improvements, but never expect the server to be hacker-free - it's impossible.

    We used to not let people have second chances, but then we got a lot of appeals saying things like "I've been banned for a year now and won't hack again". A lot of times these people did hack again, but there were also many cases where they didn't. Some of these people even got staff. A lot of the issues with hackers involves anticheat-related issues.

    Also, to address the inactivity issue a bit more, staff have an activity quota that they have to meet every month, and if they don't reach it, they can get infractions/demoted. It's designed in a way that makes sure their activity is somewhat consistent throughout the month unless they have to go on a leave of absence (school, emergencies, vacation, etc.). If you want to help get rid of hackers, by all means feel free to report the hackers or even go for staff yourself.
  8. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Im sorry if I offended any of you but the only reason I am here is because I am tired of running into cheaters every game I play I just wanted to get a stab out of why this is happening and if there is something I knew that you didnt and try to provide options to help with this problem and also TheTNTPotato I have been reporting hackers every single day I am getting tired of it but I wanted to help all of the legit players who are struggling on the server hey also if all of your legit players leave this server maybe it could be a hvh minecraft server :)
  9. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You realize whenever I do that they take the side of the staff member. "Oh, masterchheda false IP banned you for the 2nd time, but it was just an accident." and chheda doesn't even get any punishment. And when I get muted for no reason they say I have no evidence when it should be teddy3864 showing evidence that he muted me for. Staff are so corrupt I've already gone through the administration nothing changes.
    rxrev likes this.
  10. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    One single easy way that MCC can deal with their cheaters would be in implement a better Anti-Cheat. MCC has yet to come up with a good anti-cheat since the servers release back in 2013. This is a very looked over topic by the admins as they state that it is a very hard thing to do, but im my eyes it is just them being lazy and not caring about the well being and satisfaction of the Players/Customers.
    rxrev likes this.
  11. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I know what you mean I got false Ip Banned for "Ban Evading" and I didnt know i was not supposed to be using a VPN funny staff
  12. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is True all the staff are doing is saying there is nothing they can do when clearly there is something
  13. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I fully agree. Vislo has been promising a better anticheat for a long time now and its never happened. He works on other parts of the server, but for some reason refuses to make the anticheat better. Deafult NCP is better than the MCC anticheat in my opinion and NCP is available on the internet.
    rxrev likes this.
  14. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Another thing to do is actually hire staff that know what cheating looks like and know how to ss. 80% of the staff team are hot garbage at pvp and many of them false ban people left and right
    rxrev likes this.
  15. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Another problem without ip banning cheaters is all they do is hop on another account most cheats come with a lot of free alts but alts that are not premium which means that they cant play on good servers and are turned to mc central
  16. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is actually so ignorant. All staff have to do a review which is just a test to see if they can see hackers.
    1frame likes this.
  17. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    Yes, this is a huge issue with MCC although they have tried to settle this by banning for ban evading the fact that Cheaters only get banned for 30 days is an issue in itself.
  18. rxrev

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see exactly what you mean they hire people who don't know what they are looking at and think that they will do a good job and yes they could just ss and not worry about that they have about 1 million staff members how could they not have enough people to ss watch the staff just ignore this
  19. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd say staff should just perm ban all cheaters, but like Hypixel, the false ban rate is way too high for that to be a good option
  20. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The fact that I've been false banned 12 times means that test doesn't actually give an accurate representation of the staff's ability to tell if someone is hacking.
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