CTF Reset.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xPisces, Sep 14, 2019.

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  1. xPisces

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just an idea but maybe MCC should reset CTF when 2020 comes for the new year? Any thoughts about this? (Ik this with probably bother people that have a lot of wins)
  2. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't see this happening in my opinion. There is no reason to "reset" Minigames, rather, they would be updated with new maps and mechanics. Resets are more for sub-servers, so everyone gets a fresh start and the lower people have a chance on top. Plus, it would get stale after a while. But since Minigames don't have something like this, I do not think they will ever get reset. Hope you are having a great day or night!
    casscroute and xPisces like this.
  3. JapanCrafter

    Sep 1, 2019
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    As far as I can remember, there has been 2 stats resets in the past. (maybe just one, not too sure its been awhile) But seeing as there is now a monthly leaderboard as well as an all time leaderboard, I don't see the point in having a stats reset for CTF or any minigame at all. Rather than resetting the stats, I would like to see more maps added to the game on a consistent basis. People like their stats, and a lot of people (including me) wouldn't really like all of our hard work erased for no reason other than a clean reset because it is 2020.
    Pizzicato_ likes this.
  4. Pizzicato_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't think reset is the right word for this. Maybe update sounds better. I wouldn't necessarily want to see old maps removed. It would be nice to see new maps added soon and there are some great submissions that have received good amounts of support.
    If there were to be an update, I can't see it only being CTF. All the other minigames would most likely have an update too.

    What has already been mentioned about stats I agree with. People do like their stats, especially those who have been playing minigames for a long time.
    xPisces likes this.
  5. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's very rare to see minigames reset, but as the others siad they do update but even that they only add a few things here and there. Also I'd have to agree with Pizzicato_, most people would be extremely unhappy with their stats being reset when they worked extremely hard to get where they currently are. I feel like maybe adding one or two new maps to CTF would make people just as happy and more satisfied since a lot of players would like to see new maps added into CTF.
    -1 on the idea

    Have a lovely day/night! <3
    xPisces likes this.
  6. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    if you mean like a seasonal reset like stats reset, then I agree but changing maps is a bad idea. But I think it should create a archive of your stats in the past, you just open the stats gui in the lobby and there would be an option to show an archive of the past seasons.
  7. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I don't think a reset is a good idea. Here is why, people have been play Capture The Flag for a LONG time. years, by doing a reset it would make a lot of players very mad. If they wanted to have a reset, they missed their chance. Also, MCC does not reset minigames, so to have CTF reset, it would be weird, then they would want to make a reset to other minigames so the then the stats don't look messed up and that it looks like one minigame is never played, if that makes sense.
  8. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I don’t think they should reset anyone’s statistics for any minigames right now.
    If a player wants to go for a leaderboard, every single month, the monthly leaderboard resets and it gives a chance for the ‘newer’ players to get on a leaderboard instead of never being able to pass out the players that have been playing since like 2013 and have like 63628273 wins.
    It would make players ‘mad’ I guess (if there was a reset), but that wouldn’t be too much of an issue I guess, because players can’t stay mad at their favourite server forever and they will eventually come to the conclusion that the stats will not be rolled back to what they were before the reset but, it is still a +0 from me, unfortunately.
    Thanks for your consideration and have a lovely day!
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