IP Leaking Should Have Less Consequences. (If it's your own). And lack of server maintenance.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iEatBleach, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. iEatBleach

    Nov 29, 2019
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    So today my island mate was perm muted for accidently leaking his IP, he had it in his copy/paste since his internet was being weird and accidentally posted it into chat. I'm making this form because everyone on my island quit now because of it. I Understand the trouble you can have for leaking your own ip, but that's kinda on you. I don't think you should be permed with 6 months to even wait to appeal it. It's not like somebody is going to use that to swat you, dox you and ect.
    About what I said about Alex, I know some parts are wrong. But just read my list after Issels response.
    #1 iEatBleach, Aug 5, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
    ImaBucketBoy, nouhs, ehoeian and 5 others like this.
  2. victoriyuh

    Aug 5, 2020
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    staff should be re accounted. I don't feel comfortable having racists or griefers as staff. anyways, RedRobin17 did absoloutely nothing. :D
  3. TotallyTayto

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Whilst this situation come up into staff's attention, I must state more issues. Why do people who use slurs only get muted for a few days? And why is the severity only 1 but accidentally leaking your personal IP address is a severity 3? You musn't really think he did that on purpose?
    ImaBucketBoy, Greennie and iGabby_ like this.
  4. RedRobin17

    Feb 2, 2020
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    i didnt, but idc anymore. the 25$giftcard they gave me they can take back and stick it you know where. i am done. good riddance
    ImaBucketBoy, Greennie and iGabby_ like this.
  5. Greennie

    Jul 1, 2020
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    For those people who's looking at this post, I want you all to think why rules are there. Rules are there to stop people who PURPOSELY want to harm others. RedRobin17 had NO intentional moves to break the rules. He just wanted to type "Welcome Back". Please do something about the staff system because it is making this server suffer. Many people are unsatisfied with most staffs but this time it's WAY too ridiculous.
    #5 Greennie, Aug 5, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
    ImaBucketBoy and iGabby_ like this.
  6. iEatBleach

    Nov 29, 2019
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    I don't blame you Red, they did you dirty. I hope change is made to this server because the rules are ridiculous.
    ImaBucketBoy, Greennie and iGabby_ like this.
  7. RedRobin17

    Feb 2, 2020
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    i just hope other servers actually care for their players, and not just about their own pockets. thats the main problem with this server. why do you think so many staff resigns? that is for a reason Alex Markey....
    Greennie and iGabby_ like this.
  8. ehoeian

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Yo free my boy he ain't do nuthin' wrong. Slime is a positive player who didn't deserve the punishment. His 2nd MUTE and it was perm, doesn't make sense in my opinion.
    ImaBucketBoy and Greennie like this.
  9. victoriyuh

    Aug 5, 2020
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    you did nothing wrong but try to greet people, free my best friend redrobin he didnt do anything
    ImaBucketBoy likes this.
  10. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Hey iEatBleach,

    I am sorry to hear about your friend. I personally think that if you are able to prove that its your own IP you should get unmuted. Same goes for obvious fake ips such as 123456789 etc. If they were to change this there would obviously have to be a limit to how many times you could get unmuted for this though to prevent people froming wasting staffs time.

    When it comes to your allegations about Alex not doing any work on the server however I will have to disagree. As of right now I believe there is only Alex and Vislo working on development for the server. That is two developers working on Factions, Skyblock, Kitpvp, Prison, minigames etc. This quite obviously means that they don't have the time or capacity to make updates to every subserver every week. I don't believe that running a minecraft server is making them a whole bunch of money either which proves that they don't only run the server to make money but that they also like developing the server and that they care about the server.

    ImaBucketBoy, nouhs and Haylos like this.
  11. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey all,
    Just to correct some things about this thread:

    -If you are muted for leaking your own IP address, you are able to appeal it immediately with proof (This is simple - just search “what’s my IP” on google), and have the punishment removed from your history as well as be unmuted.
    -If the IP or info you posted is public, same case applies as above.
    -If you are muted for accidentally copying & pasting an IP address or other info that is not yours or public, you can appeal the punishment in 1 month (of course, if it’s apparent that it was an accident).

    These points all apply to our current system, so I see no reason why your friend cannot appeal right now. You can DM me on Discord if you want to resolve this.

    Moving forward to other posts in this thread:

    The first idea is already in place.

    Other than that, I agree with these ideas - there's no reason to keep someone muted when it's a blatant fake IP. I have already written a staff ticket about this, and additionally, about public IPs and Privately owned IPs, and wait times for all. If you want to know more, feel free to message me as well.

    Form a staff’s point of view, you have to realize that IP addresses are dangerous. Once someone has your IP, they are free to do what they want with it, whether it be malicious or not. Exposing that info in a public chat constitutes a permanent mute in my opinion. We also can't tell intention from chat related reports - we can't say, "Oh, this person didn't mean to post this IP, so we should unmute them!" No. It doesn't work like that. We have to mute first, then have the punished player explain themselves - hence, what the appeal system is for.
    On your other point, Slurs have a max punishment time of 14 days as a Severity 2 mute. That's reasonable in my opinion and I don't see a reason to change that as, with our current system, there's no in-between for 2 and 3. It's either that, or a perm mute.

    The admins and owners do a lot more work behind the scenes than many players realize, but I'm not here to argue about that, so that's all I'm going to say.
    For your other point, as a part of the Community Events Team, I'm quite sad to read that. You can help out by giving us ideas by making a community ticket (make sure it's directed to the CE team). However, I do have to disagree - as of this month, there are 13 events planned! You can join the MCC Discord and head over to the #events text channel to see this (Apply the event emote at #notif-assign if you don’t have the channel).

    As a whole, I know what the community or what the player punished feels when things like this happens. The rules may feel unfair, too severe, it may feel that we're targeting you and so forth, but you have to trust that we're not - we're simply upholding the rules. What may feel unfair to you is being fair to everyone.

    As always, feel free to message me on Discord for any of the above or for anything else!
    Hope this post helped, and have a good day.
    Thanks for reading ♡
    ImaBucketBoy, khoah, nouhs and 5 others like this.
  12. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I stopped reading after point #1.
    I don't even own an Instagram :joy:
  13. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    LOLLL its tempting to cover but im stopping myself #MCCNEWS
    ImaBucketBoy and mcrcus like this.
  14. iEatBleach

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Somewhere you had many photos posted of you on vacation in various of different places.
    I tried deleting this thread anyways after my friend was unmuted, but a lot of what I said in that list was true. All you fanboy Alex so hard lol. Just listen to how much is said about him on a daily basis, just on skyblock!

    I legit have been on skyblock for under an hour and people are just going ham on you Alex, msg me if you want the screenshots on how the people feel.
    #14 iEatBleach, Aug 6, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  15. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Hi all,

    I dont have much to say about the IP deal, except for that if its obvious that a persona accidentally pasted their IP address, they should not be muted or punished in any way. One way to see if its accidental is to see the context of it. If this person hadnt said anything before at all in chat, and then they just said their IP randomly, its obvious that they didnt mean to. But thats all i have ot say on that.

    Now i quoted victoriyuh and Totallytayto because they both mentioned that racially offensive slurs are an issue. But TotallyTayto brought to my attention that slurs are a Severity 1??? Like what the hell! I dont care if slurs that arent racially offensive dont get muted, but if they are racially offensive, that should be an easily severity 3 mute. Racial slurs are NOT OK. EVER.

    Thats all i have to say on this.

    TotallyTayto likes this.
  16. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    If there's a way to prove that it's your own ip, and staff can look up ips, then I think it would be fair for someone to be unpunished.

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