MCCentral Newspaper: Overhaul

Discussion in 'MCCentral Newspaper' started by AcceptedAppeal, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. AcceptedAppeal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello everyone! If you keep updated with the Newspaper, you may have noticed that we have not released an issue for a few months. This is because the participating members of the Media Team (@Swaggle @khayleb @Vervain and I) are going to be overhauling the Newspaper. This will include a whole new design, it may include new pages, and possibly some new Media Team participants. I do want to get the community involved in this overhaul, so I will be redirecting you to create a Community Ticket for Media Team! This is for everyone to provide some ideas if you would like to see them in the future issues of the Newspaper! This can be anything from page ideas, design ideas, formatting, even a new name for the Newspaper!; anything!

    You should expect the next issue of the Newspaper to be released in the upcoming months. We do not want to release anything we are not 100% sure of, and an overhaul is the best quality control we have. We will not release the next one until we are proud of it, but it should not be too long! Your ideas will ultimately decide the future of the Newspaper! Remember, no idea is too crazy, big, or wrong! Let us know your thoughts!

    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you do not feel like replying to this thread with ideas, you can always message me on the forums for easy access.
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