Prison Season 9 Feedback

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Apr 18, 2021.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    The levels definitely are mostly cosmetic at this point. Do note that the levelling system was added in the final few days of the reset (after the initial feedback). It is more of a system right now that we plan to build on regarding community suggestions. If you could please elaborate on how a reward system could potentially work / suggestions for rewards that would be a great step in the right direction with giving us ideas on where to take this system.
    pepeya3 likes this.
  2. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I was thinking of a reward system being based off of money. This would be gradually increasing every level. Such as, every kill in lvl 1 grants you a small amount of money; however, getting a kill with a higher level would give you more money. This would make PvPing be just as useful as mining. This would ofc be gradually decreasing overtime as not to make every kill grant a fortune at a certain point.
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I do like this concept. The difficult part is just balancing (and needing to account for kill grinding / people using friends / alts for easy money). Any suggestions with how much $$ you feel for each level? Currently the max level is 250 which is obtained at ~10,000 Kills.
  4. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I was thinking along the lines of, at lvl 1, you would get 200$ per kill. At lvl 50, 10k. At lvl 100, about 20k. And finally, at lvl 200, 30k. This would then stay the same for the remaining 50 levels, making it optional for those who want to flex their skill. As for the kill grinding, I was thinking about making it so you can only get money from a specific person every 30 seconds to a minute. I would assume that normal pvp doesn't result in a person losing to the same person multiple times within a short period of time.
    #24 DarkBeastPro, Apr 19, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
    AlexMarkey likes this.
  5. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Following up on this:

    # Which swimmable water in PvP are you refering to? (I can go ahead and get this removed)
    # How exactly do you get underneath Donator Mine? (This is the first im hearing of this)
    # How exactly do you get underneath /warp plots (This is also the first im hearing of this)
  6. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Why did we not get this type of thread for the kitpvp reset after waiting over 11 months for one? Many small changes could have been brought about which would've greatly improved kit if fixed (Very minor balancing tweaks mostly). Also, if prison gets rewards for levels, can we get that on kitpvp too considering its literally a more a part of kitpvp then prison I feel kitpvp should get actual rewards for lvls after them being in the game for 3 years
  7. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there Alex! I'm going to post all of the building errors with links to Youtube clips of them here, as it is a large enough quantity that I would like everybody to know. I am quite scared that MCC has lost all of its quality control, and I would like to share what has been passed to the public.

    Clip 1: Youtube - People with wack optifine settings may run into light update lag if they break blocks. You should always cover your builds with blocks.
    Clip 2: Youtube - The way to get under the building in DMine is still there. This should have been patched long ago. Do your builders not check the build after they finish it? I found this last season in about 1 minute of flying around.
    Clip 3: Youtube - This clip features 2 building errors that shouldn't have been made. The first is the ability to get underneath the /warp Plots building due to it being made from about 5 different structures copy and pasted over and over, and the second is a side of the path missing leaves for no apparent reason.
    Clip 4: Youtube - This shows an area THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. You should not include deadends in a PvP arena, let alone deadends with a 1 block gap to enter and genuine water inside. This can't even be a mistake, it was purposefully done like this.
    Clip 5: Youtube - This combines 2 issues into one. The first is the slabs everywhere. Whoever you paid to build does know that MCC's anticheat has an issue with slabs, causing lag back if you continuously run over them... right? There are slabs absolutely everywhere in the map. Near the end of the video I also fall into a small area that you cannot get out of unless you warp out, boost with a rod, or boost with a bow. That should not be a thing in PvP.
    Clip 6: Youtube - The main issue here is the tiny details inside of the buildings. Say a fight actually broke out in there (despite a lot of PvPers quitting already) you will get snagged on every single small detail. When you're building PvP arenas, you want to add in the detail vertically, not detail everywhere horizontally (ie, rockfaces in the walls or up high on trees lush greenery).
    Clip 7: Youtube - The PMine mines are not equal sizes on both sides of the sell signs. This is a small issue, yes, but why was this not checked in the first place? I'm truly doubting MCC's quality control right now...
    Clip 8: Youtube - If players use shaders (I'm using Chocapic V6's, a common shader pack) the spawn looks super saturated and kind of gross due to the closed in area. It's just really compacted into something that shouldn't be like that. You should always test with shaders on too when building as some players play like that. Doesn't look great without shaders either.
    Clip 9: Youtube - There are choke points absolutely everywhere. If you get a knockback weapon, you can get people into a situation where their only potential way out is pearls. This is due to bad structure placement. (Also, I constantly get lagged back in this clip due to the before mentioned slabs everywhere)

    Also, don't have a boost bow yet so can't show this, but the map is quite small. Going across the West end, South to North, it looks like you will likely cross the map in a matter of ~4-5 proper boost bows. That is a matter of seconds. With the current layout of buildings, just not optimal for PvP.

    Please look into this all, some stuff may be small but your builds go a long way in the eyes of users.
    Thomxs, BlockyBeach, QuaSee and 3 others like this.
  8. nept

    Jul 29, 2019
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    (Note, this forum post is only regarding about pvp nothing else)

    I'm a really big fan of the pvp part of prison not much of a eco person. But it disappoints me to see what pvp has become this season. My thoughts, this can be named as one of the worst season updates ever for pvp prison. First of all, the map for pvp this season is absolutely horrendous. There's so many small tight spaces in pvp where people can be in to get critical hits on someone if they are not good at pvp. Which breaks a aspect of pvp of being good at it. All it takes to kill someone is to out gear them. This can be fixed by not adding hall ways or small spaces/rooms to the map. If we wanted this kind of pvp we would've been playing kit pvp instead of prison pvp. Speaking of kit pvp this map looks like a kit pvp map. The map is so small from the outside which ruins another aspect of prison pvp, bow boosting. I think last seasons map was great. It was a big open space with the pvp mine in the middle. If you can use that as an example of how big the pvp map should be for next season that'll be great.
    Another huge thing that needs to be fixed in pvp is the hit regeneration and the kb. We (the pvpers) have been giving feed back to the mods to reach out to the admins about this since the beginning of last season. Seekingattention, (one of the staff moderators of MCC) I was having a conversation to him about it and he was telling me how he's frustrated too about the same problems. The hit regeneration and the knockback. I was told by him that admins barely reached out to him nearing the end of last season. Which I was really mad about. I would've thought admins and both owners would be trying to listen to us and fix pvp when we first started giving feed back about both problems. I was also told by Seekingattention, that you (admins and owners) are trying to make a custom knockback system for prison pvp? Which sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. Hit regeneration and normal knockback isn't even fixed and your trying to make a custom knockback? I've been playing prison nearing the end of season 1 and seeing prison pvp go down like this after having such good pvp last season hurts. I made the choice of quitting prison for the rest of the season for the reasons I just stated, I play prison for the pvp and only the pvp.

    Edit : Also, the spawn for this season feels so rushed. Feel like it was put together last minute. Was hoping the builds for this season would be good for a season that took so long to announce. Maybe next season would be better...
    #28 nept, Apr 19, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
  9. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Tyvm for this list - will aim to fix as much of these as possible.
    DarkBeastPro likes this.
  10. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Also, can you please check our Discord DMs again? On the last line there's something important that as far as I can tell you have ignored.

    Edit: So far as far as I know he has still ignored it. Even when an important thing comes up it's ignored...
    #30 Spiriten, Apr 20, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
  11. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Relax man, discord is not the place to contact me in regards to bugs and fixes. Please clarify here or in a bug report what is important that you would like me to look into, and I can do so when I get some time.
  12. Thomxs

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Alot of pvpers have noticed that the knock back has drastically changed for the worst from last season, making it quite difficult to pvp as the reduced knockback means you are able to just walk through any hit or rod making pvp really bad. I may be wrong in saying that the kb has changed but ive heard from many people that they think it has and would love last seasons knock back to return or what not. - Thomxs
  13. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    No changes have been made this season in regards to knockback.
    Xermes likes this.
  14. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I think I mentioned this in the last Prison thread, but I might as well say my suggestion again. I would like to see a price calculation when you press the "Fill Inventory" option when buying a item in the /shop GUI. As it is right now, there is no indication of how much it costs other than either doing the math yourself, or having to do /withdraw all, and then reading the error message that pops up. I feel like this would be a pretty easy thing to add, as all that would need to be coded is just another line when hovering over the "confirm purchase" when doing a Fill Inventory.
    abbs likes this.
  15. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just a random thought but perhaps change the 3 second cool down on /back to a 3 second wait? Make it so it will perform the action after 3 seconds. The message you get in chat is just irritating ;-;
  16. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    This has now been added.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  17. Looneyy

    Aug 21, 2019
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    Wouldn't it be a better idea to remove the cooldown and make it so the player who got the kill can only pick up the loot as well as anyone in their gang, for probably 10-15 seconds?

    I did this on my skyblock server, players enjoyed this a lot.
    AlexMarkey likes this.
  18. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    +1 for this idea - I have gone ahead and noted it down. This is the same approach we have taken on our other subservers (Loot Protection)
    Looneyy likes this.
  19. _Vqpple_

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Maybe make it so u get 100 more money per kill every level so at lvl 2 instead of 2k u get 2.1k etc.
  20. Thomxs

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Is there any chance you could make it so we can put in a command to have the repair for 10 tokens signs at our plot?
    _Vqpple_ likes this.

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