Prison Season XI | Feedback Wanted!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 89p, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Prison Season 11.0 - Feedback Thread

    We'd like your feedback on Season 11.0 of Prison. If there's anything you want changed, added or even removed, here is the best place to put it! The Quality Assurance Team & Alex will be looking to this thread to see where we can improve.

    All constructive feedback is appreciated!

  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I haven't been on much so this may not be the most accurate perception one could have had but pvp is especially laggy when combat crystals are activated (regardless of them being activated by you or any other player in the pvp arena). Not to mention the absurd rod release delay, it's arguably worse than it is on arenapvp. The pvp arena is surprisingly pretty decent imo, though it didn't look like it in the changelog post.
  3. Sweeping

    Apr 20, 2020
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    I agree with Guih, I think you guys shouuld really start to focus on the pvp aspect of prison. It is insanely laggy, and maybe even add a speed CE so we could actually pvp and not have to regularly sprint everywhere. idk thats just my opinion though
  4. ReileenKawahara

    Dec 25, 2021
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    From playing season 11 so far, I must say that I think that although controversial to some people, it is one of the best seasons yet. The implementation of ranjit discounts with the new cell mate feature allows for a more fairer and competitive playstyle to the over all game mode, allowing for rookies to make their mark on the ranks too! Which I think in turn will bring in a better crowd for the season and help to populate the sever more for all during the early to mid season lifespan of the game mode.

    However, there is one issue that I would like to point out that I can see becoming a problem. That of the server lifespan in the end period of the season. There is relatively no driving late game content in prisons at the moment and something that I and I’m sure slot of the community would like to addressed.

    Overall tho, I am impressed with the season so far. Great work MCC team xx
  5. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I do agree that end-game becomes stale. Brainstorming ideas for more end-game content would be great!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  6. ReileenKawahara

    Dec 25, 2021
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    Branching off into an idea for prison, in my opinion, some sort of system which would implement some new pickaxe enchants would be great! I feel like a lot of people in the server just mine their 6 million blocks, max their pick, and then stop playing. I am not however suggesting any crazy enchants, but maybe passive ones like a enchant that could give you books. To increase the number of levels a pick can attain, even if it is just increasing the max levels of the existing enchants.
  7. randyhotel

    Nov 23, 2021
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    Alex can you please read my conversation I posted with you.

    My favorite thing about the new season of Prison is the introduction of cellmates.
  8. Vxtk

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Hey 89p!!!,

    I really like the new prison reset, It has been Very Fun for me.

    This is the first time I actually play prison consistently and I have enjoyed it so far. I know people have pros and cons about everything but overall I say it's amazing.

    Wonderful Job that the Staff Members have done to the Community and The Sub-Servers!!!

    #8 Vxtk, Dec 26, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
  9. Zado44

    Feb 18, 2021
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    I know you didn't ask me for the brainstorm, but I have been thinking about this. Is there any way you can change what is in envoys, lms chests, and pvp prices. In the beginning of the season, those can help a lot. But come to the end of the season, it doesn't even feed your rank up. I think If those were updated based on economy, it would help people play more. Not only that, but people might use pvp more as well.

    Also, can you look into your keys. I opened quite a few and got no bps. I got a ton of beacons and books. In my own opinion, I think voting keys could have beacons, but the other two don't need them.

    O also I heard that there is a way to kill people at their own pmine even if your not trusted. I will look into that and try to find out what is up.

    Thank you for reading.
  10. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Ok a couple of ideas.

    Firstly in earlier seasons the community and its spirt was based and built up on chat. People simply don't talk anymore and its mainly because of the chat bots spamming adverts. Personally i dont have a massive issue with them as i keep out of most the chat and use /ignore alot but its killing the chat and the bonding that keeps ppl coming back to chat with their "friends". ban chat bots slow them down i don't know the answer but i see it as a problem.

    Booster Pot
    this idea has been around since the dawn of time why you have not implemented it is beyond me but here's my proposal.

    Much like the lottery setup have the boosters lined up at spawn with the server dribbling a steady flow of $$$ into them, have buttons so players can also pay $$$ into them with a rolling total like the progressive jackpot on a fruit machine. This jackpot gets paid out when someone activates the booster. hopefully that way you will encourage more boosters and again build the spirit with ppl trying to build a booster pot .
    I know there's a flaw as far as i might put 3m into the pot but the boost doesn't get activated so we might need to go for /pledge instead but something would be nice for those crazy shops that will all have to close in 2 weeks when ppl stop dropping boosters.

    Kit money , lets be honest its shit but the fix could be as simple as doubling the value of kit money with each prestige....

    not sure if this ones possible but....

    Shops are ugly !! real ugly
    Whats the chances of linking 1 sign to multiple chests . that could clean up some of the plots and stop u having to wave the ban hammer round just for macroing a sell sign.

    Last one is controversial.

    Scammers are killing prison !
    Its a fact people are getting scammed harder this season than ever b4 and its costing YOU a player base.
    i know this is prison blah blah blah scammings allowed yeah i get it , but no one likes to lose hard earnt cash to a bot with an anvil. i dare say the top players this season will be scammers and that is not healthy.
    tp scams are one thing but advertise a shop and when people arrive with 6 backpacks a pick they worked on for weeks and mining gear worth millions just to have an anvil dropped on their head for instant death.... that aint right. thats another player lost .

    I'm not saying stop scammers although i would welcome it but at least give people a chance , all the new players are getting hit and not coming back.

    just some of my ideas but im no expert even though i have been here since the dawn of time itself :P
    Jorfie, abbs and 89p like this.
  11. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, So far this season is off to a pretty good start however here are somethings I think could benefit the server.

    Cellmate: To put it simply they're too easy to upgrade, I think an easy solution to this would be to increase the amount of points it needs to start an expedition from 15k to 50k and would increase by 50k every 10 levels. I honestly would not be surprised if by next week people already have maxed cellmates. Thinking of late game is where they become an issue, they're great at the start of the season but they don't hold up by the end.

    Sell Shop Signs: My god these things are a pain to place. Perhaps you could make it so the player selects a blank sign (or maybe the sign would have to say [shop]) and types in chat "/Alex_Markey 2304 s1 388" and it would automatically set the sign to say that. This would save so much time.

    Pmine perms: Add the ability to set perms for a specific player.

    Sell wands and Rename scrolls: Add a command to split the them into smaller scrolls, it could be something like "/split 4" and it would separate 4 uses from the item.

    Lottery Perk: Add a perk that would basically make it so the player would receive a free Lottery tick everyday. The player would have to actually claim the ticket for it to be used.

    Voting rewards: Add a lottery ticket as a reward for voting.

    Lottery: Have the money won from the lottery be the money lost to the server in cf. So if the players lost 29 million to the server that day the jack pot would be 29 million. Also they could have make it so once the jackpot reaches a certain amount there would be more than one winner. Ie 50 mil - the reward would be split between 2 players. Also cap the tickets at somewhere between 8 - 16 so players who are joining for the first time will have a reasonable chance at winning

    /warp Help: Add a warp that would list information about the server, pickaxes, scamming etc and have it mentioned in chat every now and then. Players could toggle it if they no longer need it.

    Anvil Death Trap: The anvil death trap has been running rampant all over prison and in my opinion is way over powered. Anvils instantly kill you and the server is losing players to this scam. As a result I've seen many players ask for scamming to be removed in general, I however have much simpler solutions: Disable the gravity on anvils.

    Crapples: remove crapples, They don't exist on prison with out the command and should be removed. Pvp wise they really make no difference to a rookie in the kit, They die either way. You might as well remove them.

    Top Mine: Have a leader board for the best mines on the server. It would be based on how high the mines upgrades are.

    Bottle: Change the bottle command to be less pay to win. You could keep it being a perk by improving the base idea with new commands. You could add "/bottle 1395 64" and "/bottle 1395 all". You could also make it so Emerald and lower have to have bottles in there inventory to bottle xp.

    Cellmate: have a reward from the cellmate be getting a mining set (Token luck II and Miners Delight II on each piece). You could make the set be colour changing to make it a bit more special (This was specifically requested by SniffableSugar).

    Rename NPC'S: Allow us to rename the wheel of fortune guy, the robots and the Cellmate.

    K thanks bye x
  12. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    New idea to do with benefits for people that spend IRL on a 2x booster

    Would it be possible to add a benefit so for every chest that gets sold , a percentage of that would go in money terms to the person that provided the boost.

    Now weather this was in the form of a tax to the shop owner or just a $$$ benefit provided by the server (like /tip) ill leave up to you but it might encourage more boosters and keep shops (and the server) going longer

    Im not talking mega bucks it might be as little as $0.05 per chest or less but with the amount of shop chests that get cleared on a 2x it would be a nice bonus ? ... thoughts ?
  13. Sweeping

    Apr 20, 2020
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    i think thats why they added /tip....
  14. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Yep and a lot of people don't do it !

    The tax would be forced and help the community come together to organise booster's for maximum effect.
  15. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, some suggestions:
    - Have Cellmate level displayed on /stats
    - Have booster countdown, shows the last 10 min, 5 min, 1 min, 20 seconds.
    - Make a auto sign perk available, that can be obtained by myth keys.
    - Have the price of /tip raised to 50k from 10k per /tip. It is very small for the amount paid IRL for the booster.

    That is some ideas/feedback i have so far.

    - Packet
    abbs likes this.
  16. PurbleMist

    Feb 4, 2020
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    New Stuff
    First add some place in stats and on the website leaderboards to see the level of Cellmates.
    Second with how you level them I think it is great. It takes longer the more levels you have on them but you never have to mine a crazy amount to send them back out again.
    Finally what I do have a problem with is the rewards. The discounts you can do as you please with them. Nerf them or keep them the same idc. The Level 42+ rewards is what I have a problem with. Starting at Level 42 you get 10 Robot Gems after 110 hours of expeditions you get less than 2 hours worth of Robot Gems. You can not even get a Level 1 PMine upgrade with Immortal discount with that many. Level 44 64 Prison Tokens cool whatever wish it was more. Level 46 (now 130 hours of expeditions in) we get 5 mil again cool whatever wish it was more. Level 47 2 mystery spawners. Just stop. You are telling me I have a chance to get two 2 mil spawners which will very likely never get sold on /ah which means this reward has a chance to be worth nothing. Instead allow us to pick two 5 mil spawners. Pop a GUI in our face and let us select one or add a button in /cm as a select reward button so you can give us more rewards and more options within those rewards. Level 48 2 Teleport Pads. Garbage tier reward. A Sky Block item that has no purpose in Prison. Level 49 1 Holo Skull meh reward. Great early game item or to flood /ah with ads but by the time a regular player gets this level it won’t matter. Finally the big 50 which gives you a Backpack. Great reward… but at level 50 you should have a maxed out pick or really close to it if you aren’t doing the bare minimum every hour for your cellmate so most players will be satisfied and no longer mine.

    Chunk Loader
    Don’t use and don’t see any complaints about them other than from pvp players but I doubt these are causing pvp lag. Would still look into the reason behind the lag.

    More gambling for the addicts. Good hotfix nerf on them. Would be nice to see your % chance of winning other than that no complaints.

    Quality of Life
    Adding a 4th trust rank. Currently we only have trusted which is for anyone you want to get past lock while all those people get to access Robot Gems/containers. We need a another level of trusted to separate these two groups.
    Change up the look of PMines each season like you do with spawn and pvp zone and bring back /p clear that will bring it back to its current look. Adding onto that each time you expand your borders of your PMine add blocks to go with it. Got a giant overgrown garden theme made with terracotta this season? Continue that look each time the player expands out the PMine border instead of just empty space over the void.

    Sign Shops
    Please can we get a change to these. DaveDreaD gave the amazing suggestion of being able to link one sign to as many chests as you want. Could even have it so a sign can be linked to X amount of chests and X being based off your prestige.

    Late Game Grind
    You have no reason to go after Z9 or max a pick or mine 10 million blocks other than your own personal challenge. Unless this has changed the reaching Z9 message isn’t even broadcasted to the whole server. There is seriously no reason to go after any of it. A gift card reward or myth keys players can save for next season if you aren’t able to give real irl cause MC rules. All based on placement and something still even if you placed 7th. So as an example 5 myth keys for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd, and 1 for everyone else who reaches Z9. Will tie this into Cellmate rewards and say you should give us a myth somewhere when leveling him. Would be a great Level 50 reward.

    Scamming/Death Traps
    Killing your server, discouraging players from spending money on your server, and stopping new players from staying. TPA scamming should not be allowed. The only reason anyone even uses TPA is to scam someone. Death trapping on plots also stops players from looking at builds from other players and makes players keep to themselves instead of interacting with players. The only allowed versions of scamming should be sign shops and /ah scams. In most situations the worst these two will do is take your balance or tokens which is fine compared to people losing items like Backpacks they bought with real world money.

    New stuff
    Add more places to check Cellmate levels. IDC what you do with discount rewards on them. The rewards you give at Level 42+ are crap or very poorly placed in your pretty much Battle Pass. All other new stuff haven’t heard complaints.
    Add another trust rank into PMines. DaveDreaDs idea for sign shops is great. Give us keys/gift cards if you aren’t able to give real irl cause MC rules for hitting Z9. Scamming/Death Traps shouldn’t be allowed expectation being sign shop and /ah scams.
    illeterate, Viizic and Myko like this.
  17. Viizic

    Feb 6, 2020
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    would be cool if you got something to reach Z9 first, like a tag, something you can show off to other people.


    I like the idea of the lottery, only problem is the tax amount, I think 50% is a little bit too much. Maybe lower it to like 20-30% and it would be much better and a lot more people would participate. Other than that great job

    New addition of cellmates

    Love the new addition of cellmates but I have a problem with the rewards. When you hit the levels of getting good rewards the eco is already so high that those rewards are pretty much nothing. A idea is either the rewards to be much better at the higher levels or have some decent ones at the very start.

    Chunk loader
    I like the new addition of chunk loader and have no problems about it. Lovely to have a new way to afk your spawners without using a console client. Would love to see more features like this in the future

    I have been playing the new season for some time now, and I think that you guys should do something about the Prisoner of mass destruction. Right now nobody is really using it and they are just in the way. It would be much better if you guys made something out of it, maybe buff it and make you more money. A different idea would be to replace it entirely with something else.

    It would be so much better if you could buy Signs and chests from /shop. It would make us sell shop owners day if you guys added this, the strugge of making signs and chests have been there since season 1. The hours upon hours us sellshop owners has used on making chests and signs.

    A booster pot has always been a talk within the community. Money you can deposit onto a pot that the player who activates that specific booster recieves when they activate it.
    Also a ping in chat whenever the booster hits a certain amount of time left, for an example 20 mins 10 mins and 1 min etc etc

    Other than that this server is pretty great, keep up the good work MCC!
    AlexMarkey, PurbleMist and Myko like this.
  18. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Just to further update on this thread,
    We have a part 2 update (with more content and fixes) on its way very shortly! A lot of things mentioned in this thread are being addressed.

    A more formal changelog will be posted when things are ready :)
    lavoova the grape and Viizic like this.
  19. Dominant

    Sep 29, 2019
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    possible reward for people who mine allot. make the level 50 reward for cell mate. an untradable unmarketable backpack that upgrades by 100 slots every expedition/ level up.

    i dont even know if thats possible but i think it would help out allot of people. and give some more reason to mining after maxing out pick/cm level
    PurbleMist likes this.
  20. Kinito

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I've played a few seasons myself, and I got to say that I've enjoyed this one the most!
    The addition of cellmates was a great idea as it makes the later stages of the game much easier and less grindy due to potential 50% Rank cost reduction. Really happy with this season and excited to see what you'll implement in the up and coming seasons.
    89p likes this.

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