By AlexMarkey on Sep 10, 2019 at 11:30 AM
  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:

    UHC has been left fairly untouched for quite some time now. A UHC update has been on our long list of things to do for a while. Today we have put some time into adding some aditional scenarios alongside a few other cosmetic changes and bug fixes (a full list of changes will be posted in the server changelog).

    New Scenarios
    The biggest change for this UHC update is the 4 new scenarios. The 4 scenarios are: Lucky Leaves (leaves will have a chance of dropping golden apples), Notchless (Players will be unable to craft Notch Apples), No Backpack (players will be unable to use the backpack - only enabled in team games) and Hastey Boys (All crafted tools will automatically be given Efficiency 3).

    Server Source:
    The other major change which took place for this UHC update was obtaining the source code for our UHC spigot jar. UHC was one of the only places which we did not have the source to our spigot jar, making it more limiting on what we could actually do in terms of performance fixes and certain scenarios. Whilst currently this change means nothing to the frontend, it could possibly result in some minor bugs (please report anything strange you find Here).

    Future Scenarios:
    We currently have 22 scenarios for UHC. Scenarios are what make UHC so unique, and we are always down for adding more! In regards to future updates for UHC, we would love for the community to recommend on our forums what scenarios they would love to see on UHC in the near future!

    B_Man05, Teddzy, reset and 8 others like this.


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 10, 2019.

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